Know Your Focus:

Help Your Team Align and Propel Organizational Growth

Caring leaders can still have blind spots depending on their experience, behavior style and motivators compared to those on their team.

Clear Your Blindspots

  • Know Yourself

    Understand your behaviors and the motivations behind those behaviors.

    Identify your unique strengths and how to harness them to lead others and achieve shared objectives.

  • Know Your Team

    Understanding each of your team member's unique behaviors, motivators and emotional quotient facilitates an environment where ideas are freely exchanged, and innovation thrives.

  • Engage Ideal Talent

    The next strategic step is identifying the talents necessary to complement existing strengths when hiring. This ensures your team possesses the diverse strengths needed to tackle challenges and achieve goals.

Know Your Blindspots: Harness workplace conflict into passionate growth.

Know Your Blindspots: Embrace your leadership style and create a more fulfilled and accountable team.

Leadership is so much more than telling people to “get back to work” and “do their jobs!” Truly disengaged employees need dedicated intervention to understand their motivators and align with strategic goals and, in the future, self course-correct.

It’s time to clear your blindspots:

  • Blind leadership

  • Blind networking

  • Blind hiring

Leaders Understand People

Do you want to know who’s really on YOUR team? Leaders understand and leverage their people’s strengths, while mindful of the inevitable “blindspots.” As your Talent Strategist, I provide you bold and clear insights on the people you need to show up everyday and trust in the ever changing work environment. Dependent on your needs, I provide people feedback via phone/workshop; or facilitate a deep dive with you and your team. Before our work is through, you’ll have a new appreciation for your own leadership style and see opportunities to set others, including yourself, up for success.

People Understand Purpose

Are you burnt out, jaded or simply bored with work? Everyone goes to work for a paycheck, happy people go to work because they are capable, grateful and never done solving their job’s problems. As your personal Talent Strategist, I help you leverage your Purpose Advantage - aka discover the work you REALLY want to do. Based on your needs, I facilitate a workshop to help you understand your Purpose Advantage and/or I am your trusted guide helping you stay on the course and get out of your own way. Look forward to feeling vindicated and knowing where you belong.

The VISION - Work is an adventure for all.

The MISSION - Eliminate workplace excuses.


    Know what is personally non-negotiable and what isn’t.


    Accept others’ convictions.


    Understand the real work that needs to be done.

Career Blindspot Values

Founder and Workplace Dynamics Expert of Career Blindspot, Juan believes people’s workplace bias is the untapped opportunity for growth. Juan intertwines an understanding of human nuance and workplace results that drive intentional results for leaders.

In 2007, Juan developed his knowledge of human behavioral science at TTI Success Insights - training global coaches, consultants in communication, team building, coaching and selection.

In 2012, Juan founded Career Blindspot to work with leaders directly and provide tools for self awareness, understanding of others, and clear role objectives that impact the modern workplace.

In 2019, Juan created Career Blindspot Podcast to speak to the conversation and nuance of leadership, workplace trends, and changing expectations.

Juan is a Phoenix, Arizona native, proud alumni of Glendale Community College, Arizona State University and Walt Disney World. Happily married to his wildy smart partner Courtney, father to adventurous Conan and loyal pup Harvey.

Meet Juan Kingsbury.

The Career Blindspot Podcast


Know Self Know Team Engage Talent